
A GDPR Privacy notice

We care about privacy.

In case you have not noticed, the European Union is today introducing new data protection legislation, called the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We try to minimize the fuzz around this (in practice, nothing changes with GDPR, really), but we thought we will anyway write a short note to address the new requirements and provide you with information about the data we process.

Beneq has been sending customers, potential customers, partners and friends information, such as newsletters, event invitations, product information and surveys, as well as messages about important company news, and we will continue to do so in the future just like before GDPR.

Beneq has always been very careful with storing sensitive and personal information and only collected information that is needed to run our company operations, to maintain customer relationships and to serve our customers. The types of data we collect include your name, postal address, e-mail address, job title and interest areas. We also use analytics to process website data to improve our web services. This data is collected via cookies on our website and you when you communicate with us via email or other channels, when you sign up for newsletters or participate in our events.

The purpose of all this is to serve you better. If you are concerned about the use of your personal data, you can read more about the collection, usage, processing, storage and retention of marketing data at Beneq from the updated Data Protection Notice on our website. You can of course also turn cookies off from your web browser and unsubscribe from our email marketing at any time, but you will then get limited functionality from the website and miss interesting news. Your choice.

And what comes to the famous General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), we have had an internal project for reviewing all our data registers and updating our policies where necessary to comply with the new regulations. When processing personal data, we will continue to be extremely careful and will only store data that we need for maintaining business relationships and communicating with you about our company, products and events.

In short, we will continue to process your personal data in accordance with the applicable laws. We think this is so obvious and self-evident that we won’t be emailing anybody about it. Instead we promise to do our best also in the future to create content that you will find useful and offer web services that work. We also renew our promise to email responsibly. Does that sound like a good policy?

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