
Talk: Conformal Optical Films for 3D Macrostructures

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Talk: Conformal Optical Films for 3D Macrostructures

Last month, Beneq participated in the virtual SPIE Optical Systems Design conference, originally slated to be held in Madrid. While we didn’t have a chance to exhibit and capture all the incredible innovations in the optical world, we are happy to share ALD Process Development Engineer, John Rönn’s talk titled “Conformal optical coatings on complex 3D macrostructures using atomic layer deposition.” In this talk, John introduces the use of batch ALD to coat a series of optical domes with various ALD processes. Some materials include Al2O3, SiO2 and Ta2O5, and batch nonuniformities across multiple dome samples was as small as 1.5%! 

The isotropic nature of ALD means the entire sample is coated with a completely conformal film. Batch ALD provides an economical alternative to traditional optical coating methods, like PVD, since the parts do not have to be rotated to be coated. Check out John’s talk below to learn more about the benefit of ALD for optical coatings. 

Talk: Conformal Optical Films for 3D Macrostructures