
The world’s leading electronic manufacturers work with some of the strictest design constraints to create the most innovative and robust technologies. ALD is the best choice for improving semiconductor-based electronics with the precision needed to engineer nanoscale architecture and enable cutting edge devices.

Product Comparison

Product Transform® Transform ® 300 Prodigy
Dimensions 3000 x 3000 x 2250 mm 4400 x 4800 x 2250 mm 3500 x 2500 mm
Max Batch Load 200 mm x 25 wafers 300 mm x 25 wafers 150 mm x 50 wafers, 100 mm x 75 wafers
VCE Loadlocks 2 EFEM 1
Integration Cluster, up to 3 ALD modules & 1 pre-heater SECS/GEM Standalone system
Ozone Process Capability Optional Optional Optional
Wafer Pre-Heating Yes Yes Yes
Wafer Cooling Built-in Built-in No
Temperature Range 25 – 420 ℃ 25 – 420 ℃ 25 – 420 ℃
Plasma Gas Lines 2 + 2 optional 3+1 optional 0
Transfer Module Type Mx600 M2C5 Automatic Loader
Wafer Throughput (Al2O3 @ 200 C, 50 nm) 40 wafers/hour – 3 PM 12 wafers/hour – 1 PM >14 wafers/hour
Wafer Throughput (HfO2 @ 250 C, 20 nm) 28 wafers/hour – 3 PM N/A N/A
Safety and Ergonomics SEMI S2 and S8 SEMI S2 and S8 SEMI S2