
EFDS ALD for Industry 2025

Penck Hotel Dresden, Dresden (Germany)

Beneq is proud to be the main sponsor at the 8th ALD for Industry event in Dresden, Germany.

The 8th International Conference “ALD FOR INDUSTRY” will again bridge the gap between fundamental science, industrialization and commercialization of this technology. Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a process for depositing a variety of thin film materials from the vapor phase of matter. The growth of this technology is not only based in microelectronics applications, but also in areas of industrial Li-Ion batteries, photovoltaics, optics, light, biomedicine and quantum technology.

This event is already establied since 2017 and attracts annually more than 100 participants and numerous exhibitors to visit Dresden. The Conference with Tutorial provides the opportunity to learn more about fundamentals of ALD technology, to get informed about recent progress in the field and to get in contact with industrial and academic partners.

The event will take place in March 11 – 12, 2025 in Dresden.

Event Link  

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