Nanotechnology Applications
Come and listen to Markus Bosund’s doctoral dissertation on atomic layer deposition (ALD) and nanotechnology at Aalto University’s Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering on Friday, March 23, 2018!
Markus Bosund will be defending his PhD thesis Development of Atomic Layer Deposition Processes for Nanotechnology Applications.
ALD is based on surface controlled thin film deposition. During coating, two or more chemical vapors or gaseous precursors react sequentially on the substrate surface, producing a solid thin film.
In his work, Markus shows two new low-temperature methods for the passivation of GaAs surfaces, and studies the film properties of plasma ALD (PEALD) grown AIN.
Markus also presents a new deposition process for Yb203 thin films, and investigates the use of titanium dioxide films for photocatalytic applications. Photocatalytic processes have multiple uses, for example they can be used as sterilization methods for prostheses.
Markus’s opponent is Professor Ola Nilsen from the University of Oslo, Norway.
Congratulations to Markus, and all the best for defending your dissertation on Friday!